Mobile Update :))

Hello dear blog-followers and other humans ;)

I was going to blog yesterday... And on Monday :P Then the time was suddenly 02. a.m. and I had to go to bed... Today I have not used my computer at all. I've been using fb, twitter etc. from my iPhone ;) And all freaking day I've been listening to music and filling my brand-new 8-gigabyte USB-memory thing (which I can wear around my arm ;) with music, so that when it's filled I can just press *shuffle* and draw, write, read -whatever. And then I do not have to get up every now and then and change CD's! :) Because one USB with 8 Gigabytes worth of music is... Long. :) It's been two days, filling the USB... Because I fill it through my CD-player :) Now it's Lady Gaga Time "Poker Face" ;) Soon this will be the end of today and I'll put some music to transfer and keep the volume so low that I can sleep, eventhough the USB is recording. Tomorrow it will all go on... It's hard work, choosing the Best Music :)

Good night!!! <3


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