The World According to Princess Cindarella :)


I've been a non-blogging entity for many months, weeks, days, hours or whatever and my blog is never read by many people. Well, none of my blogs are read very often... And I've started too many already :*) SIGH! But I thought that if I start a new one, about things that I want to write about in my book, yep, I'm writing a book... About my Life. I've considered writing it in English. I've started in one book by hand (paper, pen etc.) but my ex-teacher (Susse) said it would be better to write on the computer. So, because I have no memory-stick or whatever it's called, I thought I would divide my life into chapters here and write things I would like to write about then later in my book... I don't know if it will work, I might loose interest pretty quick or get tired of always having to turn on the computer.

BUT! There was a program on TV yesterday about what kind of methods WRITERS have, when they are writing their bestsellers... The Stephen King-method is: Sit down at the computer and do NOTHING else for a pre-decided amount of hours and eventually you will write SOMETHING. So, I was thinking, maybe I should sit in front of the computer -six days a week (or five :) for one hour. How does that sound? I don't expect you to answer :P It was a hypothetical question, sent into the space of the internet, rethorical, without a need for any answer :P Thanks for reading. This is my newest blog and yesterday I took some pics of my kitties so I might soon also update the Cat-Blog ;) MEOW!

More Later!!! :)


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